G/T Discover
Enrichment opportunities for your gifted and talented student both in and outside the classroom.
As parents, you have the opportunity to observe your child’s strengths on a daily basis. There are many unique ways that you can begin to bridge the conversations between your child’s educators and your family. The following resource contains various videos and cards that have been designed to advocate for your children in G/T services.
Parents have a unique perspective outside of the classroom that can help teachers and administrators discover a child’s strengths and individual learning needs. The Celebrate Your Child video and cards have been designed to initiate a dialogue between parents and teachers. Parents can identify key behaviors in their child and share this information with the school to ensure the child receives appropriate services.
Not only are the Texas Performance Standards Projects (TPSP) a great opportunity for students in the classroom. You may want to try some of these projects to work with your child at home. The Pursuit of Passion Project is a great project to start with your child as it helps them explore areas of interest. This resource also includes sample videos from students.